Contact Us

We're here to help

Need to get in touch with us? We want to answer your questions and hear your suggestions. Reach out to us via phone, mail, email, or social media.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Mid-Maine
Main Office
66 Elm Street Suite 100
Camden, ME 04843
207-236-BBBS (2227)

Community-Based Programs Ext. 101
School-Based Programs Ext. 103
Special Events: Ext 102

Additional Office Locations

Penobscot County Office
Greater Bangor Area

Kennebec Valley Office
2351 North Belfast Ave.
Augusta, ME 04430

Androscoggin Office
207- 653-3857

ALL FAXES: 207-236-2292

Email Our Staff

Tade Sullivan, Executive Director
Rebecca Kurtz, Development Director
Mae Slevinsky, Program Supervisor
Jennifer Cartmel, Program Manager, Androscoggin
Avery Ryan, Program Manager, Kennebec & Somerset
Adrian Cole, Director of Grantwriting and Communications
Claire Nowak, Program Manager, Bangor 
Madi Ruopp, Program Manager, Penobscot & Northern Waldo

 No mobile information will be shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes. All the above categories exclude text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this information will not be shared with any third parties.